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Carrier Survey




​In June 2017 we surveyed our members, inquiring about their personal lines carriers' technology usage and standards. Overall, the results show satisfaction with carriers' core technology offerings and opportunities to improve on emerging tools.

​How to Use the Results:​​

  1. Comparison: Is your experience with a carrier unique to you? Analyze your relationship with a carrier by benchmarking your experiences against those of other appointed agents.
  2. Research: What should you know before accepting a new appointment? Review the experiences of already appointed agents to identify fodder for the interview process.
  3. Discussion: How can a carrier best support you? Rely on the results when discussing goals, obstacles and opportunities with your marketing rep.
The results are available as an interactive, online comparison tool. Filter by the state where you write, select the carriers whose results you'd like to review, and then click "compare" for a question-by-question look at respondents' average responses.

Why Should You Care?

Carriers' technology usage and standards are critical to producers. This is especially true as many carriers shift processing and administrative work to agencies and as customers expand their service expectations. As an agents' association, we advocate that carriers provide agencies with the tools they need to operate efficiently and to meet customers' needs. We also aim to educate our members on the technology solutions available to them. We aim to accomplish both through this survey.

How Was the Survey Structured?

The project is a collaborative effort among 10 state agents' associations (including our own). The first in a series, the personal lines technology survey tracked producers' responses June 1-15, 2017. In total, 921 producers from the 10 participating states completed the survey and rated over 150 carriers.​​

View the Previous Carrier Index Results: